% Encoding: UTF-8 @Article{achppcst, author = {Nathan Albin and Jason Clemens and Derek Hoare and Pietro Poggi-Corradini and Brandon Sit and Sarah Tymochko}, title = {Fairest edge usage and minimum expected overlap for random spanning trees}, journal = {preprint}, year = {2019}, arxiv_url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1805.10112}, } @Article{ahpcs, author = {Nathan Albin and Jared Hoppis and Pietro Poggi-Corradini and Nageswari Shanmugalingam}, title = {Infinity modulus and the essential metric}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications}, year = {2018}, volume = {467}, number = {1}, pages = {570--584}, issn = {0022-247X}, arxiv_url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1802.03132}, doi_url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2018.07.028}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022247X18306103}, } @Article{smapcs, author = {Heman Shakeri and Behnaz Moradi-Jamei and Pietro Poggi-Corradini and Nathan Albin and Caterina Scoglio}, title = {Generalization of effective conductance centrality for egonetworks}, journal = {Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications}, year = {2018}, volume = {511}, pages = {127--138}, issn = {0378-4371}, doi_url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2018.07.039}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378437118309117}, } @inproceedings {apc, author = {Nathan Albin and Pietro Poggi-Corradini}, title = {Open problems and new directions for p-modulus on networks}, booktitle = {Geometric Function Theory in Higher Dimension}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2017}, month = {}, editor = {Bracci, Filippo}, pages = {129--141}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-73126-1_10}, doi_url = {http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73126-1_10}, } @article {afpc, author = {Nathan Albin and Nethali Fernando and Pietro Poggi-Corradini}, title = {Modulus metrics on networks}, journal = {Discrete \& Continuous Dynamical Systems - B}, year = {2019}, month = {}, volume = {24}, number = {1}, pages = {1--17}, issn = {1531-3492}, doi = {10.3934/dcdsb.2018161}, publisher = {American Institute of Mathematical Sciences ({AIMS})}, url = {http://aimsciences.org//article/id/e84e04ba-e6fc-493f-8b82-eb1a2f7dfa6b}, doi_url = {http://doi.org/10.3934/dcdsb.2018161}, } @Article{acfpc, author = {Nathan Albin and Jason Clemens and Nethali Fernando and Pietro Poggi-Corradini}, title = {Blocking duality for p-modulus on networks and applications}, journal = {Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -)}, year = {2018}, volume = {198}, number = {3}, pages = {973--999}, month = nov, arxiv_url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1612.00435}, doi = {10.1007/s10231-018-0806-0}, doi_url = {http://doi.org/10.1007/s10231-018-0806-0}, publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}}, } @Article{spcas:PRE2017, author = {Shakeri, Heman and Poggi-Corradini, Pietro and Albin, Nathan and Scoglio, Caterina}, title = {Network clustering and community detection using modulus of families of loops}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2017}, volume = {95}, pages = {012316}, month = jan, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.95.012316}, issue = {1}, numpages = {7}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, } @Article{AP2016, author = {Albin, N. and Poggi-Corradini, P.}, title = {Minimal subfamilies and the probabilistic interpretation for modulus on graphs}, journal = {Journal of Analysis}, year = {2016}, pages = {1--26}, issn = {2367-2501}, arxiv_url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1605.08462}, doi = {10.1007/s41478-016-0002-9}, } @Article{ABPPW2015, author = {Nathan Albin and Megan Brunner and Roberto Perez and Pietro Poggi-Corradini and Natalie Wiens}, title = {Modulus on graphs as a generalization of standard graph theoretic quantities}, journal = {Conformal Geometry and Dynamics}, year = {2015}, volume = {19}, pages = {298--317}, arxiv_url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1504.02418}, url = {http://www.ams.org/journals/ecgd/2015-19-13/S1088-4173-2015-00287-8/}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{APDM2016, author = {Nathan Albin and Pietro Poggi-Corradini and Darabi Sahneh, Faryad and Max Goering}, title = {Modulus of families of walks on graphs}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems VII}, year = {2017}, month = {}, editor = {Mark L. Agranovsky and Matania Ben-Artzi and Catherine B\'{e}n\'{e}teau and Lavi Karp and Dmitry Khavinson and Simeon Reich and David Shoikhet and Gilbert Weinstein and Lawrence Zalcman}, volume = {699}, series = {Contemporary Mathematics}, pages = {35--56}, note = {arXiv:1401.7640}, arxiv_url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/arXiv:1401.7640} } @Article{EPZ2014, author = {J. Ericson and P. Poggi-Corradini and H. Zhang}, title = {Effective resistance on graphs and the epidemic quasimetric}, journal = {Involve}, year = {2014}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, pages = {97--124}, } @Article{SPSA, author = {Shakeri, H. and Poggi-Corradini, P. and Scoglio, C. and Albin, N.}, title = {Generalized network measures based on modulus of families of walks}, journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, year = {2016}, volume = {307}, pages = {307--318}, doi = {10.1016/j.cam.2016.01.027}, } @Article{SASPS, author = {Shakeri, H. and Albin, N. and Sahneh, F. and Poggi-Corradini, P. and Scoglio, C.}, title = {Maximizing algebraic connectivity in interconnected networks}, journal = {Physical Review E}, year = {2016}, volume = {93}, pages = {030301}, month = mar, arxiv_url = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1510.06785.pdf}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.93.030301}, issue = {3}, numpages = {6}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, } @InProceedings{GASSP, author = {Goering, M. and Albin, N. and Sahneh, F. and Scoglio, C. and Poggi-Corradini, P.}, title = {Numerical Investigation of Metrics for Epidemic Processes on Graphs}, booktitle = {2015 49\textsuperscript{th} Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers}, year = {2015}, pages = {1317--1322}, month = nov, arxiv_url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1511.07893}, doi = {10.1109/ACSSC.2015.7421356}, } @Article{SSSPP2015, author = {Shakeri, Heman and Sahneh, Faryad Darabi and Scoglio, Caterina and Poggi-Corradini, Pietro and Preciado, Victor M.}, title = {Optimal information dissemination strategy to promote preventive behaviors in multilayer epidemic networks}, journal = {Math. Biosci. Eng.}, year = {2015}, volume = {12}, number = {3}, pages = {609--623}, issn = {1547-1063}, doi = {10.3934/mbe.2015.12.609}, fjournal = {Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. MBE}, mrclass = {92D30}, mrnumber = {3311727}, } @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}